Marae Funding Opportunities Have Changed…
…and we’re here to help.
As many Marae trustees would know, the funding system to assist with Marae development has recently changed. Having previously helped numerous Marae developments and applications, APA Architects & Project Managers welcome the new changes, which we believe are a great improvement over the previous system.
With a significant funding system, will likely come an increase in demand. APA Architects & Project Managers are committed to guiding Marae Trustees in helping towards the new requirements of the funding applications
We have therefore produced one of the ways as an example of approaching Marae Development Plan.
Below is a MARAE DEVELOPMENT PLAN GUIDANCE Template. This could help you start for preparing your own MARAE DEVELOPMENT PLAN.
Please also note this is only a Guidance template and not a funding application. This is run by apa consultants who are sharing their experiences. We suggest for up-to-date information on relevant funding always to seek to advise from funding authorities direct.