Marae Funding Application Guide2019-01-25T11:28:25+13:00

Marae Funding Opportunities Have Changed…

…and we’re here to help.

As many Marae trustees would know, the funding system to assist with Marae development has recently changed. Having previously helped numerous Marae developments and applications, APA Architects & Project Managers welcome the new changes, which we believe are a great improvement over the previous system.

With a significant funding system, will likely come an increase in demand. APA Architects & Project Managers are committed to guiding Marae Trustees in helping towards the new requirements of the funding applications

We have therefore produced one of the ways as an example of approaching Marae Development Plan.

Below is a MARAE DEVELOPMENT PLAN GUIDANCE Template.  This could help you start for preparing your own MARAE DEVELOPMENT PLAN.

Please also note this is only a Guidance template and not a funding application.  This is run by apa consultants who are sharing their experiences.  We suggest for up-to-date information on relevant funding always to seek to advise from funding authorities direct.

Marae Development Plan Template

Provide street Address and Rhoe region
Provide Maori land court - Gazzeet notice details DP number if any
Upload Marae building photos if any. Marae people photos if any. Map from Google or council
Describe your Marae people Pepeha. Talk about your people Whakapapa. Provide a family tree, if you have any, in general, or detail of your family.
1. Whanua numbers, Iwi links, Kaumatua; History of your Marae people regarding connection to Iwi and Tribes. 2. Governance and committee groups; what you have if any in place. Describe what they are E.g. a) Marae Trustees- who may be doing overall management. b) Operations committee to tun day-to-day Marae operations etc..

This is how Marae is used

Describe currently how the Marae achieves cultural objectives in its functioning. -eg How do you conduct Tangi hanga - You can choose any other Cultural capability statement to describe how you use your Marae.
List as many diverse events and activities that your Marae has hosted in the past. This enables to demonstrate your marae contributing to your people and other communities. Therefore making your Marae an important place
For example, some Marae has activities such as:
• Birthdays
• Weddings
• Funerals
• Fundraising events
• Wānanga
• Whānau and Hapū gatherings
• Allowing council meetings
• School activities
• Camp opportunities

This is our VISION

List your ideas of what you have previously thought your Marae wants – list as many as possible you can think
is it upgrades to your building?
is it getting more functions, is it getting people to
come more often?
is it having a more fun oriented gathering?
is it more tikanga education?
Is your Marae facilities large enough?

Does your Marae have health and safety toilets and cooking facilities that comply with NZ CODES? Most Marae requiring upgrades don’t have proper toilets. Therefore, addressing health and safety first makes it more priority to see your Marae in the right direction. Some ideas and example are below:
• Health and safe food preparation and public space
• Facilitating the numbers who attend the marae now and for future
• Preventing the risk of accidents and injury
• Enabling this Marae to become a better facility when civil defence requires.

Describe how you see your marae taking the knowledge currently in minds of the people including kaumatua and books or storytelling is going to be taken forward. You can take an example from following ideas: - include regular events at the marae, more active social media, storytelling in the buildings, structured wananga systems. Some of these will need more elaboration and you can write in that to come later as Marae starts their journey on that path.

Describe how you see your marae drawing people to Marae in events or long term settling close by – this depends on how you want your Marae to grow. Ideas include :
1 - Increasing Turnout numbers on events or increasing number of events and bookings – better engagement with people through Social media and other channels whilst ensuring the facilities are up to date to cater for diverse events. For example, if your marae wants to focus on getting more weddings hosted then people will need assurance of the facilities and marae that can handle that event.
2 - Increasing whanau to come and stay longer or closer to the Marae site - This depends largely on Whanau members wanting to come back but are challenged with life realities. It could be employment, age, health - So suggest in your plan how marae help resolve these hurdles. perhaps cross engagement with local businesses and authorities or wider Iwi developments.
3 - Consideration for papakainga.

Describe as many possibilities as available. Examples include:
1. Social media - Creating active facebook page and ensuring all technologically savvy members are affiliated.
2. Usual news paper notices
3. Getting all affiliated members on one data base with email or postal addresses.
4. Whanau representation eg if kaumatua is not able to be on facebook page but has mokopuna who can be representing on their behald to take to and forth messages.
5. Hosting live streaming events with engagements from all affiliated members worldwide.
6. Sending out regular news letters through all of above channels.

Describe how you have already set up or could set up Marae Operation committee who can look after the day to day operation of the marae and have key personnel who will responsibly act and report on all items of marae maintenance. For example:
1 - Wharekai building is completed, it will require someone local or close to the mare to regularly check on items of building warrant of fitness and or clean and maintenance. This person may not be the one doing the work but will report on about the works through Trustee or Professional organisation engaged to look after.
2 - Marae Trustees will engage professional organisation who is Independent company similar to apa Architects and Project Management Ltd to regularly follow through the maintenance schedule of the Marae buildings.

This is how we want to take care of our Marae for our future

Describe as many possibilities as available. For examples include:
1. Improve and expand our current facilities on the marae to cater for larger numbers.
2. Succession plan through engagement of younger to middle-aged members in the active committees.
3. Active Facebook page constantly encouraging younger generations to have self-identity to the marae.
4. Incentivise younger generations the idea of whakapapa and mana of being connected to the marae.

Following is an example only:
Our facilities currently are limited and require improvement and expansions. Therefore, firstly we need to make a stock take of what we have and for that. We endeavour to seek from professional registered Architect a complete Building survey of the whole of our marae in its current state to identify all facilities that are needing improvement including Wharepaku, Wharekai, wharenui, etc.
We already have thought and considered from what we can see that some of our facilities we have need to be replaced and they are:
1. Wharepaku – they are not to today’s health and safety requirements and also don’t cater to the numbers we have and are anticipating - thereby we can see we need new wharepaku
2. Wharekai – they are not to today’s health and safety requirements and also don’t cater to the numbers we have and are anticipating - thereby we can see we need newWharekai
3. Wharanui – We can appreciate its too cold inside and also the fire egress compliance is outdated plus the size does not sleep enough.
4. Papakainga – We want these for our members.
5. Our road within need to be improved.

Following is an example only:
1. Our activities within Marae are well observed with Tikanga and our people are active when at the marae. We want to have kapa haka practice in our Wharekai, but the size and facility are limiting.
2. Our facilities are cold and health hazards for example when its cold and our Wharenui is closed off with heater left on – we don’t get fresh air in and so we end up breathing air that is not fresh – we need professional help to appreciate what system is needed and then have that in our wharenui.
3. Our Wharekai has a small kitchen and when we are trying to get food prepared we are on each other’s way and becoming a health hazard.
4. The Manuhiri have to wait before they called in out – There is a need of manuhiri toilets for them after they have come in after a long journey.

Following are examples only:
Our activities on Marae have in the past engaged our Rangatahi in Kitchen as well as in welcomes. We look to improve on this by doing ……….

Following are examples only
Our Taonga is in following:
1. What our kaumatua know and that knowledge requiring transferred to Rangatahi
2. What our ancestors and elders have crafted for us in carving and tukutuku in the wharenui and around the marae
3. Our Moana.

We are going to preserve our kaumatua knowledge by …….. suggest get some form of record collection in video or voice tapes and have them structured for education to Rangatahi.
For carving and tukutuku – have these looked at for damage and seek advice on reinstating. Also look on to how the preservation of the substrate and wharenui space holding them can be improved.

List your answers as

Following are examples only:
Action 1 – Get a Master Plan and Feasibility Study was done to seek understanding of our Marae facility current state of condition and be advised on all improvements required, costs estimates and conceptualised 3d animation of our Marae facilities in the short, middle and long term. This is immediate priority one if we need to appreciate how much is needed to be done to be able to address our people on a health and safe marae site for now and in long term. This Report must be completed by November 2018- so we can plan our Marae build projects from there next year.
Action 2 – Upon completion of a full master plan feasibility study of the whole Marae, we can prioritise construction of our new Wharepaku OR Wharekai or …all ……..
Action 3 – “New roof on wharekai by end 2019”
Action 4 – “Participate in Kapa Haka Regionals 2019”

Whom to contact regarding this application

Please provide your contact numbers. To list more than one number separate it with a comma.