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Funding Application Workshops for Marae
MARAE DEVELOPMENT AND MARAE FEASIBILITY WORKSHOP ON ZOOM. An opportunity for Marae Trustees and Building committee members to learn from shared experience with crucial steps outlined in helping you towards your Marae development. Information [...]
Architect, Architectural Designer or Draughtsperson?
Here at apa Architects & Project Managers, we often get asked 'What is the difference between an Architect, an Architectural Designer and a Draughtsperson?' We recently found an excellent article on this very topic over [...]
apa Architect & Project Managers. Green Buildings. Green Vehicles
Here at APA Architects and Project Management. we have a strong philosophy that our designs will help leave the planet richer than we found it. Green architecture is about creating a design that would [...]
Pouahinau Marae – An Intelligent, Specialist Ablution Solution
We are pleased to announce that we have just completed construction of an advanced ablution project at the Pouahinau Marae. The new development has been a 13-year journey for the Marae and APA Architects [...]
February 2017 Presentation to Architectural Designers of New Zealand (ADNZ)
Aladina was recently invited to give a presentation to the Architectural Designers of New Zealand (, about his background, his career and his recent award-winning work.