Information about the Christchurch Memorial Centre

Who has the concept plan, so far, been presented to?

FIANZ has answered this in their interview.

The concept is undergoing a consultation with all key stockholders and for now, that is between FIANZ and key leadership.  The great news is that we have a lot of positivity from international and local bodies who are interested in funding such a project.

Who has the concept plan, so far, been presented to?2019-07-03T13:04:22+12:00

As a whole, talk about what the memorial would symbolize?

The answer to this is in FIANZ interview but I can add a few points:-

This project is a building and park to form continued education, contemplation and interaction of who we are as one community despite where we come from and what faith we follow.

When people talk of a […]

As a whole, talk about what the memorial would symbolize?2019-07-03T12:24:55+12:00

What would the estimated cost of the project be and how would it be funded?

Before we get bombarded on why so expensive talk lets address the fact that there are two parts of the project concept – the building and the park and both can be scaled to whatever we want. The other point is that this kind of expense is not new to us in NZ – […]

What would the estimated cost of the project be and how would it be funded?2019-07-03T12:22:49+12:00

How did this particular concept come about

As the Architect I can explain as follows:-

The Project need or idea of a project like this IS coming from FIANZ and the supporters and those who are backing the idea and not the Architect. The Architectural concept is what has developed from the symbolism of Koru and Pikorua along with the […]

How did this particular concept come about2019-07-03T12:19:12+12:00